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NJ Turnpike Contract No. T100.321

Rehabilitation of Structure Nos. N6.49, N6.80E and N6.80W



Our goal is to complete all jobs and projects with "Zero Injury" to Anka Painting Co., Inc. employees, to client personnel and the public at large. We believe an injury to an employee, a sub-contractor or a member of the public is unacceptable.


  • A Certified Safety Professional (CSP) and Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) will develop site-specific health and safety plans for NJTA T100.321, and will be available during the duration of the project. The (CSP) will also prepare a job hazard analysis for all work tasks
  • AP management and employees are dedicated to safety in all work activities. All employees must have earned an OSHA-10 and OSHA-30 for supervisors. All employees have DCA Lead license
  • Supervisors hold SSPC C3/C5 (competent person), 40-hour HAZWOPER, and TCC Training
  • AP is committed to protecting client assets and the public from harm or injury
  • AP provides employees the highest quality safety resources and equipment We've invested heavily in fall protection technologies and equipment
  • All AP employees must participate in an all-day safety orientation, continuing education and training program before starting work every season
  • AP has a “zero tolerance” policy regarding fall protection and the use of personal protective equipment (PPE)
  • AP, its officers and managers enforce the Corporate Discipline Policy
  • Access systems are inspected and certified  by an independent PE prior to putting them in use
  • Thereafter, access systems and scaffolding are inspected by Anka every month
  • The Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) will perform TSP and particulate air monitoring during the duration of the project to ensure the environmental controls are working as they're supposed to

  • Clarity Testing Services will be on-site during the lead-abatement activities to test all employees for lead exposure—monthly

  • Anka Painting will install and maintain a noise reduction system in Area E during to ensure noise levels stay within the specified limits

  • The Waste Handling and Disposal Plan will outline guidelines for handling, storing, transporting and disposal all hazardous materials generated during the abrasive blasting activities

Anka Painting Co. EMR


Anka Painting Co., Inc. | P.O. Box 292, Palisades Park, NJ 07650 | Tel.: (201) 944-3000 Fax: (201) 944-3048

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